Border Area Development Programme (BADP)

Border Area Development Programme aims to meet the special development needs and well-being of the people living in remote and inaccessible areas situated near the international Boundary( IB) and to provide the border areas with essential infrastructure by convergence of BADS/other Central/State/UT/Local schemes. Through a participatory approach with focus in six thematic areas- Basic infrastructure, Health infrastructure, Education, Agriculture & Water resources, Financial inclusion and Skill Development the schemes aims to bridge gaps in socio-economic areas  in border areas.

In Uttarakhand, State Project management Unit is the nodal agency for implementation of the scheme. SPMU in convergence with district administration ensure to   provide essential infrastructure services to Blocks & Villages situated near the International Boundary (IB)

The Programme covers 9 Blocks of 5 districts in Uttarakhand. The details of Blocks and Districts are mentioned in the Table 1.


The main focus of BADP in Uttarakhand is to meet the special developmental needs and well being of the people living in remote and inaccessible areas situated near the international border and to saturate the border areas with the entire essential infrastructure through convergence of central /State/BADP/local schemes and participatory approach.

Coverage of BADP in Uttarakhand 

The BADP is a Core Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). Presently, the Programme covers 9 Blocks of 5 border Districts in the state. The programme will cover all the census villages/ towns, semi-urban and urban areas located within 0-10 Km distance (crow – fly/ aerial distance) from the first habitation from International Boundary (IB). The imaginary line joining all the first habitations from the IB will be the Zero line for BADP and the 10 km distance towards the interior will be calculated from this zero line

Thematic areas of Border Area Development Programme

District Block
Pithoragarh Munakot
Champawat Chamapwat
Chamoli Joshimath
Uttarkashi Bhatwari
U.S. Nagar Khatima

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State Project Management Unit (SPMU)